Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2008 Officer and Civilian Employee of the Year Awards

The Arcadia Police Officers' Association is proud to announce that Detective Troy Hernandez was named 2008 Officer of the Year and that John Lo was named 2008 Civilian Employee of the Year. The recipients were named at the APOA annual Christmas party held on Saturday, December 20th. Troy (left) and John (right) are pictured above with Chief Robert Sanderson (center).

Troy is the APOA President and has been with APD for five years, currently assigned as a property crimes investigator in the Detective Bureau. Troy was honored by his peers and supervisors for his dedication and efforts throughout this last year with the APOA as well as his quality investigations resulting in many follow-up arrests in the Detective Bureau. Troy has about 11 years experience as a police officer having lateraled to APD some years ago.

John is two-time recipient of the Civilian Employee of the Year award, being honored previously in 2004. John is a contract maintenance employee who works tirelessly for our Department. John handles just about any task at hand and makes himself available to all of our staff. Not only does he work at APD, but he also volunteers his time as a VIP and translator.

Both of these awards are well deserved and the members of the APOA congratulate both Troy Hernandez and John Lo.

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