Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vote "NO" on Proposition 5

Members of the Political Action Committee (APOA PAC) representing the Arcadia Police Officers’ Association are supporting a “NO” vote on Proposition 5. The APOA joins other police associations, Chiefs of Police, District Attorneys, MADD, and many others in urging the defeat of Prop 5. Ballot Pedia has a page discussing and defining the proposition HERE.

This is a short quote from Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley;
The supporters of Proposition 5 are trying to convince Californians that they
can free addicts from drug dependence, end prison overcrowding and save the
state billions of dollars…This misguided proposition will not only fail to
produce the desired results, but it will cost the taxpayers billions of dollars,
needlessly clog the courts, and divert scarce resources from those who really
want sobriety to those who simply want a “Get-Out-of Jail-Free” card.
Worse still, once passed, the provisions of Proposition 5 can only be changed by
a four-fifths (80%) vote of the legislature. I strongly urge a “NO” vote.

There are many groups and organizations that have gathered in support of a "NO" vote on Prop 5. Visit for additional information.


Anonymous said...

Prop 5 will indeed help to ensure that organizations against prop 36 and marijuana voters are kept out of what the majority of voters want and also keeps those decisions at State and local governments along with the voter. No new regulations would be accepted and would allow voters in the future to finally defeat the failing war on drugs that has cause more problems than it was worth
Law Enforcement against prohibition 'LEAP' best explains the failed policy against drugs.

APD Sarge said...

I don't believe that LEAP best demonstrates the feeling of today's mainstream Law Enforcement community...while some aspects of the "War on Drugs" may not be perfect, legislation like this will only make things worse from a LE perspective.

Q.Rock639 said...

Nice post. You should listen to my podcast on Prop 5. I spoke with NORA/Prop5Yes reps about the issues.
Let me know if you want to call in upcoming podcast!

Anonymous said...

Dianne feinstein is one of the most corrupt politicians there is. She never represents her voters. That being said she is one of the main opponents of prop 5 and spokesperson . That fact alone invalidates the credibility of prop 5 opposer's. However why wasnt there counter prop offered. The prison system is a drain on taxpayer money. This seems like a viable solution non violent especially since prison is rather useless as a rehabilitation tool.