Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Two Juvies Arrested for Tagging

Seven foot high letters tagged on the side of a business in the 800 block of South Baldwin lead to the detention and arrest of two juveniles last night. About 7:25 PM, Officers were alerted to the tagging by a witness who called APD. Two 17 year old males from El Monte were arrested near the scene. The two allegedly tagged property with spray paint and marking pens.

Tagging is an act of vandalism and reduces the quality of life in any neighborhood. Please call your local police if you witness someone tagging. Be a good witness and let the call taker know what you see. Do not attempt to contact or detain the vandals.


Anonymous said...

Good job catching them! Can they be made to clean it up? Seriously.

APD Sarge said...

They won't be involved in that particular clean up, but community service can be part of a sentence or condition of probation if they are convicted.